Based on P.L. Travers’ beloved book series of the same name, Mary Poppins became an immediate hit when it premiered as a movie musical in 1964. Forty years later, Cameron Macintosh conceived of an enchanting stage musical that combines elements of Disney’s film with material inspired by Travers’ books. In the musical, Bert, a jack-of-all-trades, invites us into the world of London, England in 1910 — and, specifically, into the dysfunctional home of the Banks family. Jane and Michael, the young Banks children, have sent yet another nanny packing, dismissing these children as hopelessly and irrevocably spoiled and misbehaved. With a father who works constantly and mother who is always distracted, Jane and Michael have suffered without strong caretaking forces in their lives. Then the magical Mary Poppins flies in on the wind, bringing with her a combination of whimsy, magic, and disciplined common sense to the children’s lives. Together, they go on memorable and magical adventures — and also learn the importance of a tidy nursery and of taking the medicine they need (with a spoonful of sugar, of course.) Mary Poppins’ transformational influence does not stop with the children — eventually, she teaches the grown-ups, as well, to open up and realize that “anything can happen if you let it.”
Show Dates and Times
Friday, April 12 @ 7PM
Saturday, April 13 @ 7PM
Sunday, April 14 @ 2PM
Friday, April 19 @ 7PM
Saturday, April 20 @ 7 PM
Thank you for attending this production!
We hope you enjoyed it!
Cast and Crew
Bert – Zackery Miller
George Banks – Michael Julian
Winifred Banks – Alexandria Goforth
Jane Banks – Madilyn McNiel
Michael Banks – Elijah Calderara
Katie Nanna – Jayme Berry
Policeman – Bob Berger
Miss Lark – Stephanie Bedford
Mrs. Brill – Julie Bryant
Robertson Ay – Ross Prado
Mary Poppins – Kasi Bryant
Park keeper – James White
Admiral Boom – Chip Bryant
Neleus – Benjamin Gatdula
Bank Chairman – Sid Johnson
Miss Smythe – Ronda Geary
VonHussler – Matthew Wade
Northbrook – Tom Fuller
Bird Woman – Elaina Orwell
Mrs. Correy – Mary Lynn Bardocz
Fannie – Miranda Bryant
Annie – Brooke Casarez
Valentine – Tyler Hutchins
Teddy Bear – Austin Stauffacher
Mr. Punch – Gabriel Mauger
Doll – Dijana Geary
Miss Andrew – Hillary Marshall
Morgan Sebring, Katie Grabowski, Paris Cass, Sarah McGavran, Ryan Sebring, Katherine McNiel, Evangeline Geary, Makaela Thompson, Benjamin Derry, Lorelai Geary, Eydie McQuail
Cora Wilmott, Kyra Zartner, Damien Bashaw, Sid Johnson, Diedra Albrecht, Charlotte McNiel, Gretchen Brown, London Wilson, Leila Wilson, Parker Wade, Lydia Smith
Bianca Rodriguez, Jordynn Marelich, Bianca Lechuga, Stephanie Bedford, Caela Heisinger, Kirssi Heisinger, David Prose, Patrick Rooney, Unique Thomas, Jaden Parr, Tasheema Taylor
Ellie Mauger, Serena Apodaca, Carl Miller, Sarah Harshey, Nicholas Harshey, Baileigh Harshey, Kierstin Johnson, Miyah Douglass, Italia Lugo, Azarie Vaughn, Kaylen Zartner, Carl Miller & Ben Lewis
Heather Julian- Bash